Free Skin Assessment at Berkshire Grove Hospital with Mr Kuen Yeow Chin


Are you concerned about a mole or skin issue? 

Prioritise your skin health by attending our FREE skin assessment session with Mr Kuen Yeow Chin, the Skin Cancer Lead and Consultant Plastic Surgeon. Discover the importance of regular skin checks and understand the common concerns that might warrant immediate attention.

Skin safety assessment at private hospital in Berkshire, England

This exclusive event, offering peace of mind at no charge, is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29th from 5.30pm at Berkshire Grove Hospital, Grove House, White Waltham, SL6 3TN. To book an appointment contact us now.

  • Email:

  • Phone: 01628 562 255 or 07935 186 661


The Importance of Observing Skin Changes

Skin health is paramount, and detecting problems early can be the key difference between simple treatment and more complex interventions. Here's a look into some common skin concerns:


  • Changes in size: Moles that suddenly increase in size can be a cause for concern.

  • Alterations in colour: A mole that changes in colour, especially if it turns darker or displays multiple colours, should be examined.

  • Evolving shape: Irregular, asymmetrical borders or a mole that appears different from others on your skin may need to be examined.

Skin spots and growths

  • Itchiness: Itchy spots or growths can indicate a skin problem.

  • Bleeding: Any spontaneous bleeding from a growth should be immediately assessed.

  • Non-healing spots: Spots or growths that persist and do not heal over time need to be checked.

Skin discolourations

  • Darkening patches: Any area of the skin that suddenly darkens can be a sign of a skin condition or damage.

  • Texture changes: A patch of skin that thickens or feels different than surrounding areas should be examined.

New or evolving lesions

  • Appearance: The sudden appearance of new skin lesions might be worth examining.

  • Evolution: Any lesion that changes in appearance over a short period is significant and can be early signs of skin cancer.

By understanding these potential issues and acting quickly, you improve the chances of early detection and effective treatment.

Private skin cancer specialist in Maidenhead, England.

Meet Mr Kuen Yeow Chin:
The Expert Behind the Event

Berkshire Grove Hospital is honoured to collaborate with Mr Kuen Yeow Chin, one of the most distinguished Consultant Plastic Surgeons in the UK.

Mr Chin's illustrious career began with his graduation, with distinction, from the University of Glasgow. He furthered his expertise with intensive Plastic Surgery training at top-tier units around the country. After securing his certificate of completion for Plastic Surgery training in Scotland, he pursued a senior fellowship at the globally esteemed St Thomas Hospital in London.

In 2020, Ninewells Hospital in Dundee recognised his skills and welcomed him as their Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. Later, he extended his services to the Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, covering regions including Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey, and Sussex. In his current role, Mr Chin serves as the Skin Cancer Lead at Frimley Park Hospital.

His vast experience and dedication are reflected in his numerous accolades, which include:

  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS Plast)

  • Master of Science Degree from University College London

  • Membership on the GMC Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery

  • Active roles in BAPRAS, BAAPS, and BSSH.

Beyond his pronounced interest in skin cancer management, Mr Chin excels in various fields, including hand surgery, trauma surgery, and aesthetic surgery

Mr Kuen Yeow Chin discusses skin cancer management at Berkshire Grove Hospital


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