Breast Health: Monitoring with or without Implants


Early detection is key to maintaining good breast health, whether you have implants or not. At Berkshire Grove Hospital, we offer personalised breast imaging assessments tailored to your individual needs. Dr. Hebah Taufik, our specialist radiologist, leads our radiology services with a focus on proactive care and early intervention.

statue of breast indicating checking breast tissue

Monitoring Breast Implants

While there are no national guidelines, most specialists recommend regular check-ups every 1 to 2 years for those with implants. These check-ups typically involve a combination of clinical assessment and ultrasound imaging. Our complete breast imaging assessment package covers all these bases. Mammography may also be recommended for women over 40, and we can advise on whether this would be beneficial in your case.


Frequency of Check-Ups

Regular check-ups are important regardless of the type of implant you have. This helps identify any potential complications such as rupture or capsular contracture. While saline implants may deflate noticeably when ruptured, silicone implants (more commonly used) can be trickier to diagnose visually. Additionally, certain implants carry a slightly higher risk of a rare form of cancer called BIA-ALCL, which can be detected earlier through imaging.

Ultrasound vs. Mammography

For women over 40, both mammography and ultrasound are recommended. Mammography excels at detecting microcalcifications (tiny calcium deposits), while ultrasound is better at visualising subtle changes. Combining these techniques allows for a more comprehensive evaluation and earlier detection of abnormalities.

Berkshire Grove Hospital for all of your radiology needs

Photography: Richard Washbrooke @rwashbrooke


Benefits of Monitoring

Regular monitoring ensures the health of both the implant and your natural breast tissue. It can detect subtle ruptures you might miss and allows for ongoing assessment and informed decisions about next steps, if necessary. Monitoring also allows for the evaluation of your breast tissue for any concerning signs or changes.

Personalised Care at Berkshire Grove Hospital

Our radiology department, led by Dr. Hebah Taufik, prioritises personalised care and early detection. We use advanced imaging technology along with expert guidance to empower you to maintain optimal breast health. Our comprehensive approach ensures a thorough evaluation and peace of mind, regardless of whether you have implants or not.


Schedule an appointment today to discuss your personalised breast health monitoring plan.

Hebah Taufik Radiologist at Berkshire Grove Hospital

Dr Hebah Taufik

Consultant Radiologist

Consultant Radiologist Dr Hebah Taufik discusses Radiology and Breast Ultrasound at Berkshire Grove Hospital


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