How Healthy Are Your Breast Implants? Free Breast Implant Health Quiz


If you have breast implants, you are probably aware that implants do not last a lifetime. They will need screening, maintenance checks and eventually they will need to be replaced. It is important to regularly check the health of your breast implants to ensure there are no complications, and any issues can be diagnosed and dealt with as quickly as possible.

Breast implant an woman holding breast, after the removal of unhealthy breast implants.

How long will breast implants last?

The lifespan of breast implants varies greatly from person to person, but most will last more than a decade before requiring further surgery. This will either be due to problems with the implants, or because the breast shape has changed around the implant.

You may also wish to change your implants as a result of changes in your aesthetic goals; for example, when you are young you might wish for larger, more noticeable implants, however later in life you may decide on a more natural-looking augmentation.

As you age, and your body experiences changes such as pregnancy and breastfeeding, your breasts will change shape. This can mean that you require surgery to reshape or resize the implants, or change their positioning within your breasts. During your pre-op consultations with your surgeon they will determine any changes that need to be made to your implants.

Radiology for breast implants

How often should I have my breast implants checked?

It is recommended that you have your breast implants checked every 2 years to ensure that there are no complications, and the implants do not require changing. If you have any concerns or worrying symptoms regarding your implants, contact a healthcare professional to arrange a consultation/check-up as soon as possible.

Here at Berkshire Grove Hospital, our in-house private radiologist specialises in breast radiology and is available for consultations and check-ups regarding breast implants.


What are some symptoms of breast implant abnormalities?

Capsular Contracture: Capsular Contracture occurs when scar tissue forms around your implants, causing them to harden, change shape or become uncomfortable. If you notice your breast implants becoming hardened or misshapen, book a consultation with a breast health specialist.

Implant ruptures: If your implant ruptures or leaks, you will likely experience pain and swelling in the breast, and your breast might deflate. If your implant ruptures or leaks it will need replacing.

Pain or Discomfort: If you are experiencing pain or discomfort around your implants, this might be a result of capsular contracture, or the implant becoming displaced. Seek advice from a breast health specialist immediately if you are experiencing pain in relation to your implants.

Change in appearance: Over time your implants may change in shape, size, or appearance. You may notice rippling or wrinkling of the implant, or they may become asymmetrical. If you notice changes in the appearance of your implants, book an implant health check-up.


So how do I know if my implants are healthy?

We know it can be difficult to assess the health of your own implants. That’s why we’ve developed a FREE bespoke quiz to help you determine whether your implants are healthy. This short quiz will address the health, maintenance, and longevity of your breast implants.


What should I do if I have a concern regarding my implants?

If you are experiencing worrying symptoms from your breast implants, or you have noticed a change in their shape, size, or position, arrange a consultation with a breast health specialist to check the health of your implants. This implant health check-up may include: a clinical examination, ultrasound scan, MRI scan, and blood tests. Following these tests you will be advised on the health of your implants, and whether you require your implants to be changed.

Healthy breast implant after breast implant check-up

Consultant Radiologist Dr Hebah Taufik discusses Radiology and Breast Ultrasound at Berkshire Grove Hospital


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